Becoming an Invaluable Employee
Becoming an Invaluable Employee
During a market downtown, such as the one we are in, becoming an invaluable employee is more important than ever.
But what can you do to make sure you become an invaluable employee?
The Key Factors
Your Job Function
Is your job function key to the business you operate in? In the nicest way if you are an internal recruiter, you could be the best internal recruiter on the planet, but if the company puts a hiring ban on, you’re at the mercy of the companies good nature as to whether or not to let you go.
If the job function that you do no longer needs to be done or at least not for the foreseeable future, what do they need you for? As harsh as it sounds the answer really is that practical.
The moral is if you have a chance for career development, try to find a skills niche that can be invaluable and then find yourself a company where your skill and job function is vital.
For example, think prolific goal scorer for a football team or bountiful telecoms sales specialist for a phone company.
Your Industry
Whilst having an invaluable skillset within a company where it is gold dust is one thing, if the industry the company is in falls off a cliff then you will still be in trouble.
A volatile industry isn’t forgiving. Therefore, given a choice find a sustainable or growth industry to build a career within if possible. But if you’re already too far in to the industry then you need to play the cards you are dealt.
Good Employers
This leads me on to the choice of employer. That gold standard skillset that’s invaluable to an employer is all well and good but if you hate the company, who cares if you’re invaluable or not? They’d be doing you a favour by letting you go if you hate them anyway.
Choose wisely when going to a new employer. Personally, those who say I picked the employer who paid the most tend to hate their employers with more regularity. If the employer see’s you as a cash register rather than a human being, you’ll only be on the Christmas card list when you get results. If you have a bad month there will be hell to pay.
Finally, and most importantly this brings me on to results.
Your skillset could be magic. And your experience may be treasured. You could be at the right company and in the right role. But if your results aren’t delivering anything good enough then that’s the quickest way to become disposable.
In the nicest way departments that are halving their staff by retaining 50% and making the rest redundant aren’t making decisions at random. They’re picking who gets the results first and foremost so they can survive.
Think about it. If a Manager is having to make the call on who to keep, they’ll want to keep the people that they believe will get results because if they don’t, they could lose their own job next.
It’s a harsh world, but if you can’t understand why you’ve been let go and other people doing your job haven’t there is a reason for it. Sadly discrimination will happen, not that anyone admits it. Ageism is one that will factor.
But your results really will play the key part here as the bottom line. You could be 60+ and from Timbuktu. If you get good results, that’s the easiest way to become invaluable.
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