How to cope with stress

Stress is a hormonal response that the working population is particularly subjected to. It is our bodies way of reacting to a threat, challenges, and changes. It is a particularly debilitating emotion that can impact your physical and mental well-being.

With recruitment being a competitive industry and, recruiters often under pressure to find the right talent within a time frame, these are known as stressors. Specifically, stress is reported highly among 18–24-year-olds that feel they are pressured to succeed.

That’s why days such as today are important in raising awareness of the impact stress has on the population, and crucially how we can reduce the risk and the further negative impacts it can have.

Daily exercise

Daily exercise can mean a few hours at the gym, a walk around your town, at home workouts and yoga. Exercise reduces stress, aids in better sleep and can reduce physical health problems.

Stress can build up in your body and daily exercise can help reduce the amount of stress in your body. Particularly in your back and shoulders.

At Revorec, a few of our team take a longer lunch break to go to the gym. This allows them to maximise their time outside of work, particularly during the shorter and darker days. It also serves as a reset when returning to the office and they find that they can find the motivation to tackle their tasks.

Get enough sleep.

Sleep is vital to your mental and physical well-being. The recommended amount of sleep is 7 hours, and it is pivotal to listen to your body when you are tired. Tiredness inhibits your ability to make judgements, correct decision making, and your creative ability.

Reduce your alcohol intake.

Alcohol increases the symptoms of anxiety. While you may find it gives you a ‘break’ this isn’t a long-term fix, and you will find it has no real benefit to your mental and physical health.

Socialise with your friends.

Socialising with your friends doesn’t mean you have to go out for drinks. Meeting for a coffee or a walk and talking is a great way to get things of your chest and to remind yourself of the people that care for you. Talking to someone other than yourself means you might also find a new perspective on how to manage your stress.

Take a break.

It’s difficult to focus on the stressor when you are not in the right state of mind. Take a break and analyse what you can do once you have had time to breathe and calm down.

Whether that is stepping away from your desk for some fresh air, watching a favourite film or just simply taking time to breathe.


It’s easy to let your stress suffocate you, but the best thing you can do to help your situation is evaluate it and see what you can do about it. Sit down and make a physical plan, if it is something you can change, what is it exactly you can do? If it is out of your control, or something that you can’t change then there is a way you can move on from it.

There are many charities out there that you are free to use when you feel you are in crisis, or need someone to talk to.

If you need help, please reach out. Just talk.

Mind: Using this tool – Mind

Samaritans: Contact Us | Samaritans

CALM: Get Help & Support With… | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) (


Statistics from –  Stress Statistics UK | 2023 Data | Champion Health

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